

Powerful Round Rare Earth Axially Magnetized Magnets Factory

Powerful Round Rare Earth Axially Magnetized Magnets Factory

The compact size and round shape make neodymium round magnets easy to handle and use in different settings.

  • Größe :

    1/2 Inch X 1/2 Inch
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Powerful Round Rare Earth Axially Magnetized Magnets Factory

Product Description

Powerful Round Rare Earth Axially Magnetized Magnets Factory

Dimensions: 0.35 inch (diameter) x 0.24 inch (thickness)

Tolerances: ±0.05mm

Material: Neodymium Magnet

Plating/Coating: Nickel

Grade: N45

Magnetization Direction: Axial

Working Temperature: 80 Degrees



Manual measurement, please allow slight errors on size.

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Product Features

Exceptional Holding Power: Each magnet has a remarkable holding power due to its strong neodymium composition. It can effectively grip onto various metal surfaces like fridges, whiteboards, and dry erase boards, making it ideal for holding objects securely in place.
Rust Resistant Coating: To prevent rust and corrosion, round cylinder neodymium magnet is coated with three layers of nickel-copper-nickel alloy. This triple-layered coating ensures that the magnets maintain their appearance and functionality for long-term use.
Leave No Marks: Strong disc ndfeb magnets boast a smooth surface for effortless removal without leaving any marks. And the magnet circles are very fragile, it is forbidden to collide with other metal objects (including another magnet), so be careful when you are trying to separate them!
Wide Range of Applications: These heavy duty neodymium round magnets can be used for displaying photos, working papers, crafts or organizing items, making them indispensable for both home and office use. Their small footprint allows them to be discreetly incorporated into designs without compromising on magnetic strength.

How To Separate Magnets


neodymium disc magnets for refrigerator whiteboards
1.Slide one magnet off the top of the stack.
2.Once off the stack, carefully start lifting the magnet.
3.Lift the magnet to free it from the stack.

Support Customization

Hefei Super Electronics Co., Ltd., a leader in supplying premium neodymium iron boron magnets. Our magnets are known for their exceptional strength, durability, and versatility, and we offer them in a wide range of shapes and sizes to suit various applications. Available custom options include:

  • Magnetization Direction: Options include axial, diametrical, or custom magnetization directions.
  • Coatings: Select from nickel, epoxy, zinc, or gold coatings to ensure optimal corrosion resistance and durability.
  • Grade: Choose from various neodymium grades (N35-N52) for tailored magnetic strength
  • Packaging: Custom packaging available for retail, wholesale, or industrial purposes.

small neodymium magnets for crafts

powerful round refrigerator magnet

Neodymium  Br Hcb Hcj (Bh)max Tw
Grade mT kGs kA/m kOe kA/m kOe kJ/m3 MGOe
N35 1170-1220 11.7-12.2 868 10.9 955 12 263-287 33-36 80
N38 1220-1250 12.2-12.5 899 11.3 955 12 287-310 38-39 80
N40 1250-1280 12.5-12.8 907 11.4 955 12 302-326 38-41 80
N42 1280-1320 12.8-13.2 915 11.5 955 12 318-342 40-43 80
N45 1320-1370 13.2-13.7 915 11.5 955 12 342-367 41-44 80
N48 1380-1420 13.8-14.2 923 11.6 955 12 366-390 46-49 80
N50 1400-1450 14.0-14.5 796 10 876 11 382-406 48-49 80
N52 1430-1480 14.3-14.8 796 10 876 11 398-422 50-53 80
35M 1170-1220 11.7-12.2 868 10.9 1114 14 263-297 33-36 100
38M 1220-1250 12.2-12.5 899 11.3 1114 14 297-310 36-39 100
40M 1250-1280 12.5-12.8 923 11.6 1114 14 302-326 38-41 100
42M 1280-1320 12.8-13.2 955 12 1114 14 318-342 40-43 100
48M 1360-1430 13.6-14.3 1027 12.9 1114 14 366-390 46-49 100
50M 1400-1450 14.0-14.5 1033 13 1114 14 382-406 48-51 100
33H 1130-1170 11.3-11.7 836 10.5 1353 17 247-271 31-34 120
35H 1170-1220 11.7-12.2 868 10.9 1353 17 263-287 33-36 120
38H 1220-1250 12.2-12.5 899 11.3 1353 17 287-310 36-39 120
40H 1250-1280 12.5-12.8 923 11.6 1353 17 302-326 38-41 120
42H 1280-1320 12.8-13.2 955 12 1353 17 318-342 40-43 120
45H 1300-1360 13-13.6 963 12.1 1353 17 326-358 43-46 120
48H 1370-1430 13.7-14.3 995 12 1353 17 366-390 46-49 120
30SH 1080-1130 10.8-11.3 804 10.1 1592 20 223-247 28-31 150
33SH 1130-1170 10.3-11.7 844 10.6 1592 20 247-271 31-34 150
35SH 1170-1220 11.7-12.2 876 11 1592 20 263-287 33-36 150
38SH 1220-1250 12.2-12.5 907 11.4 1592 20 287-310 36-39 150
40SH 1240-1280 12.5-12.8 939 11.8 1592 20 302-326 36-41 150
42SH 1280-1320 12.8-13.2 987 12.4 1592 20 318-342 40-43 150
45SH 1320-1380 13.2-13.8 1003 12.6 1592 20 342-366 43-46 150
28UH 1020-1080 10.2-10.8 764 9.6 1990 25 207-231 26-29 180
30UH 1080-1130 10.8-11.3 812 10.2 1990 25 223-247 28-31 180
33UH 1130-1170 11.3-11.7 852 10.7 1990 25 247-271 31-36 180
35UH 1170-1220 11.8-12.2 860 10.8 1990 25 263-287 33-36 180
38UH 1220-1250 12.2-12.5 876 11 1990 25 287-310 36-39 180
40UH 1250-1280 12.5-12.8 899 11.3 1990 25 302-326 31-41 180
28EH 1040-1090 10.4-10.9 780 9.8 2388 30 207-231 26-29 200
30EH 1080-1130 10.8-11.3 812 10.2 2388 30 223-247 28-31 200
33EH 1130-1170 11.3-11.7 836 10.5 2388 30 247-271 31-36 200
35EH 1170-1220 11.7-12.2 876 11 2388 30 263-287 33-36 200
38EH 1220-1250 12.2-12.5 899 11.3 2388 30 287-310 36-39 200
28AH 1040-1090 10.4-10.9 787 9.9 2642 33 207-231 26-29 230
30AH 1080-1130 10.8-11.3 819 10.3 2642 33 223-247 28-31 230
38AH 1130-1170 11.3-11.7 843 10.6 2642 33 247-271 31-34 230




china neodymium disc magnetssuper strong round magnets


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